Install and configure Mac OS X system on
This step-by-step intructions gives an how-to install (or
re-install) and confugure Mac OS X on CSIM iMac machines.
- Insert the Mac OS X Install DVD in the drive.
- Hold the ALT key for 10-20 seconds while booting;
until an arrow appears on the screen.
- Select the DVD icon.
- Proceed with accepting any menu until the Install Mac OS
X screen.
- The first step of to reformat the hard disk. On the Install
Mac OS X screen, select Utilities/Disk Utility.
- Select Machintosh HD and Erase.
- Go on and erase, this will apply the default format operation
which is a quick format.
- Exit Disk Utility. The disk has been reformatted.
- Continue with installation and accept all the defaults.
- Select country Thailand.
- Select Keyboard US.
- Select No information transfer.
- Do not enter Apple ID.
- Do not enter Registration Information.
- Create the user toor, full name Charlie, with
the Administrator password use on Windows machines.
- Install the applications from Applications Install
- Cancel Keyboard Setup Assistant.
- This step will configure the login options. Go to System
Preferences/Accounts/Login Options.
- Select Automatic Login: off.
- Select Display login window as: Name and
- Now you need to install AIT root CA certificate. Open a shell
window and create the directory that will hold the root CA:
# sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/ssl/ca
- Import the certificate from
# scp on@banyan:SSL/ca/ca-bundle.crt .
- In the Finder, open ca-bundle.crt.
- Add it in the Keychain system, always trust it.
- Move the certificate to its final location:
# sudo mv ca-bundle.crt /usr/local/ssl/ca
- Next step will be to download and install system updates.
Launch Safari.
- Modify the preference to use for home
- Authenticate to access to Internet.
- In the Finder, launch Software Update.
- Restart at step 26. and relaunch the Software Update
until there is no more update (minimum twice).
- Configure syslog to log to CSIM loggin server. Edit
/etc/syslog.conf add a line:
- Configure NFS to autiomatically mount the disk from, comment out all lines
except /net and /Network/Servers.
- Edit /etc/fstab and enter the line: /home nfs -P,-i,-b 0 0
- Add an entry to start fstab automatically:
# scp on@banyan:_Library_LaunchDaemon_fstab.plist to /Library/LaunchDaemon/fstab.plist
- Now configure the date and time. In System Preferences/Date
& Time/Date & Time, set Set date and time
automatically to:
- In Clock, select Use 24-hour clock.
- In System Preferences/Sharing, change the Computer
Name. The name are in the form of Macx.
- Install the C-shell .rc file:
# scp on@banyan:/etc/.cshrc /etc/.cshrc
- Configure LDAP and the users accounts. Edit
/etc/openldap/ldap.conf and add the line:
TLS_CACERT /usr/local/ss/ca/ca-bundle.crt
- In System Preferences/Account/Login Options, click on
Network Account Server Join...
- Enter the name and click Open
Directory Utility.
- Edit LDAPv3.
- Click New and enter Server Name or IP Address:
- Select Encrypt using SSL.
- Click on Continue.
- Enter in Pick a Template: RFC 2307 (Unix).
- Enter in Searchbase:
- Click Continue then OK.
- Lock the Directory Utility.
- Enter CSIM in Configuration Name.
- Click Edit, in Search & Mappings.
- Click Groups and change Search base to:
- Change Search only at the first level.
- Click People and change Search base to:
- Change Search only at the first level.
- Expand People, under RealName, add
gecos and delete cn.
- Under RecordName add uid.
- Click on Users and change Search base to:
- Change Search only at the first level.
- Expand Users.
- Repeat the changes for RealName.
- OK everything and close
- In a shell window, make the users tempadmin and
on administrators of the machine:
# dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership on tempadmin
- Configure the printers. Edit /etc/hosts.lpd on
banyan. Add a line with the full name of the iMac computer Restart the
lpd(8) daemon:
# /etc/rc.d/lpd restart
- In System Preferences/Printers & Fax:
- Add Address:
- Queue: big
- Name: Big
- Print Using Print software
- Select HP Laserjet 4300 Series
- Select Optional Tray3: 500 sheets
- Select Duplex Unit selected
- Select Fit to Page: Nearest Size and Scale
- Same for Queue: magnum; Name: Magnum; select
HP Laserjet P4010 series.
- Same for Queue: Ricoh; Name: Ricoh; select
Ricoh Aficio 2051 -Gutenprint v5.2.3; this one has no
option to select duplex or tray.
- Lock the System Preferences.
- Reboot