AT70.09 Computer Graphics and Animation

Introduction to a Graphical API (Application Programmer Interface), Curve and Surface Modeling, Animation, Color, Illumination, Texture, Advanced Rendering Techniques, Rendering Algorithms.CSIM Logo WelcomeCourses
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To introduce computer graphics as a practical discipline. The underlying theory of computer graphics, as well as implementation algorithms, will be presented in the context of a modern industry-standard graphics programming language and interface. Instruction shall be in a laboratory setting with continuous hands-on implementation of concepts and emphasis on creating animated and interactive scenes.

Catalog Description:
Introduction to a Graphical API (Application Programmer Interface), Curve and Surface Modeling, Animation, Color, Illumination, Texture, Advanced Rendering Techniques, Rendering Algorithms.


Basic knowledge of two- and three-dimensional co-ordinate geometry and trigonometry and C/C++.

Course Outline:
Introduction to a Graphical API (Application Programmer Interface)
  1. Geometric Primitives
  2. Basic Rendering Pipeline
  3. Buffering for Animation
  4. Case Study: OpenGL
Curve and Surface Modeling
  1. Approximating Curves by Polygonal Lines
  2. Approximating Curved Surfaces by Triangulated Surfaces
  3. Recursive Subdivision
  4. Case Study: OpenGL
  1. Animation Techniques
  2. Animation by Viewing and Modeling Transformations
  3. Projection Transformations
  4. Matrices and the Mathematics of Affine Transformations
  5. Interaction: Mouse, Keyboard, Menus
  6. Case Study: OpenGL
  1. Color Perception
  2. Color Models and Access Modes
  3. Case Study: OpenGL
  1. Illumination Models
  2. Shading Models
  3. Case Study: OpenGL
  1. Texture Objects and Functions
  2. Texture Mapping
  3. Case Study: OpenGL
Advanced Rendering Techniques
  1. Blending
  2. Antialiasing
  3. Fog
  4. Case Study: OpenGL
Rendering Algorithms

F.S. Hill:
Computer Graphics using OpenGL (2nd Edition), Prentice-Hall, 2001.
M. Woo, J. Neider, T. Davis and D. Steiner:
OpenGL Programming Guide (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 1999.
Lecture Notes.

Reference Books:
E. Angel:
Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with OpenGL, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
J.D. Foley, A. van Dam, S.K. Feiner, and J.F. Hughes:
Computer Graphics Principles and Practice (2nd Edition in C), Addison-Wesley, 1996.
D. Hearn and M.P. Baker:
Computer Graphics with OpenGL, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
D. Shreiner, editor:
OpenGL Reference Manual (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 1999.
R.S. Wright and M.R. Sweet:
OpenGL SuperBible (2nd Edition), Waite Group, 1999.

Grading System:
The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: mid-semester exam (25-40%), final exam (25-40%), assignments/projects/presentations (20-50%). Open/closed-book examination is used for both mid-semester and final exam.

Dr. Sumanta Guha

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