Previous Achievements

Research, Development and Engineering, and Policy Research
Funding was granted to projects int the fields of genetic engineering and biotechnology (42 plus 3 in-house), metal and materials technology (60 plus 7 in-house) and electronics and computer technology (21 plus 13 in-house).

In science policy, NSTDA supported Thailand's Development Research Institute of conduct research on impacts of technological changes on employment and labour skill development.
Assessment of NSTDA for its performance during 1992-1994 was conducted by a panel of independent reviewers, who concluded that its targeted objectives have been largely attained.

Human Resource Development and Institutional Strengthening
Fellowships were awarded to 556 students for further study abroad and to 147 graduate students for local Institutions. Funding was provided to 2 institutions to strengthen their graduate programs. Thirty-three research and service units in universities and state agencies received funding to increase their capabilities in genetic engineering and biotechnology (7), metal and materials technology (16), and electronics and computer technology (10). NSTDA initiated 5 chair professorships and 5 career development fellowships. It also organized 124 training courses and seminars on diverse topics in the three targeted disciplines and ISO 9000.

Support to the Private Sector
Support to the private sector was given as low-Interest loans and grants to R&D projects. Over 300 services were given on standards, testing and quality control. Through Steinbeis Foundation, 13 Thai companies had technology transfer negotiations with German companies and through USAID, 20 Thai companies had similar collaborations with US companies. Technology offers/requests from 47 Thai companies were distributed at the Technomart in Taejon, Republic of Korea. NSTDA also co-invested in internet (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. and National Technological University (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.

Development of Data and Information Systems
Through the efforts of NECTEC as the Secreatariate of the National Information Technology Committee, the Royal Thai Government adopted the year 1995 as Thailand's IT year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of His Majesty the King's Accession to the Throne. The Technology Information Access Center (TIAC) provided about 3,000 services for technical and business information world-wide. The three National Centers are also strengthening their specialized database networks. Internet services were provided to state agencies.

International Co-operation
NSTDA co-organized the International Congress on Science and Technology for Cordial Relationship among Neighbouring Countries (Techno Indochina Congress) and actively co-operated with the ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology. The Fourth ASEAN S&T Week will be organized in Bangkok in August 1995. Other international co-operation involved USA (USAID), Japan (NEDO), Australia (AusAID), Germany, UK, Belgium and Canada.

S&T Awareness for the Public
This included 124 training courses and seminars attracting 10,923 participants, 20 books, 24 leaflets, 5 sets of slide multivision, 149 news articles, 22 special articles, 60 radio and TV presentations, and 7 exhibition presentations.

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