ACSC '95 Registration Form

Asian Computing Science Conference 1995 (ACSC '95)
December 11-13, 1995 (Bangkok, Thailand)
Registration Form

 E-mail address: 
 Phone number:   
 Fax number:     
Postal address:


 Early Registration                   Late Registration 
 (until October 30)                   (after October 30)

Student (US$ 100.00)* Student (US$ 100.00)* Regular (US$ 250.00) Regular (US$ 275.00)
* Student registration does not include a coy of the conference proceedings.


  Workshop 1 (US$ 50.00)            Workshop 1 (US$ 75.00)
  Workshop 2 (US$ 50.00)            Workshop 2 (US$ 75.00)
  Tutorial 1 (US$ 50.00)**          Tutotial 1 (US$ 50.00)**
  Tutorial 2 (US$ 50.00)**          Tutotial 2 (US$ 50.00)**
  Excursion (US$ 50.00)             Excursion (US$ 50.00)
  Number of accompanying persons (US$ 75.00 per person)***
** Tutorial will be canceled if the minimum quota of participants is not reached by December 1, 1995.
*** Entitled to lunches, banquets, snacks/coffee only.


In order to make hotel reservation, please specify an arrival date:


Add any usefull comment here.


Payment for registration and accomodation should be in separate cheques.

Cheques or drafts in US currency payable to the Asian Institute of Technology may be sent to the following postal address:

Binitha Ghosh
Asian Computing Science Conference 1995
Asian Institue of Technology
Computer Science Program, School of Advanced Technologies
G.P.O. Box 2754, Bangkok 10501
Fax: +66 2 524 5721
Phone: +66 2 524 5703

Electronic registration is accepted but a copy of this form, with your signature affixed should also be send thru registered mail together with the cheques/drafts for the conference registration and accomodation.

A copy of this registration will be sent to you automatically for you signature. A signed registration form should be sent together with a cheque/bank draft back to the conference organizer.